Main Page

From SheffieldCoops
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This site is run by Webarchitects (Webarch Co-operative Limited) to provide a directory, networking and news service for the community of co-operatives in Sheffield.

Sheffield Co-operative Events

Upcoming Sheffield Co-operative Meetups, all welcome!

Past Sheffield Co-operative Meetups

Sheffield Co-operatives

(To add a new co-op create a link above and then add it to the MediaWiki:Sidebar list.)

Co-operation, networking and help

Co-operative development in Sheffield: For free help to people thinking about setting up and running democratically-owned businesses, Sheffield Co-operative Development Group (SCDG) has over 20 years experience and offers a resources centre from its base in Aizlewood's Mill, Nursery Street.

Radical Routes: Co-ops committed to working for radical positive social change may join Radical Routes.

Websites: Webarchitects offer cheap websites for local co-ops using sub-domains on, for example, please get in touch if you are interested in this service..

Principle 5 Yorkshire Co-operative Resource Centre. Aizlewood's Mill, Nursery Street, Sheffield S3 8GG.

Tel: 0114 2823132. Website:

Sheffield co-operative news

Co-operative Culture

When adding to the above list also add the item to the Template:Culture page.

Sheffield co-operatives in the media

Now Then: Sheffield magazine "Now Then" featured an article on four Sheffield Co-operatives.

Keeping in touch

Email List: Anyone involved in or interested in co-operatives in Sheffield is welcome to join the email list for Sheffield co-operatives or view its open archives.

To go straight to the email list front page use this short link:

Twitter: Follow @sheffieldcoop on Twitter for the latest news from co-operatives in Sheffield. We also have a list of Sheffield co-ops Twitter accounts, please ask us to add your co-op if you are not on it. Read tweets from Sheffield co-ops here.

Helping with this site

This site runs MediaWiki and same software as Wikipedia and if you would like to help improving the content please get in touch as ask for an account to be created for you. People with accounts with administrator permissions can create accounts for other people.

To amend the list of Co-operative Culture pages you need to edit the Template:Culture, to amend the sidebar you need to edit the MediaWiki:Sidebar.

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.